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Mi Dlc no se descarga y aparece instalado en mi Ps4 Compre un dlc en la Playstation Store, nunca salióThe Automatron DLC is Fallout 4's first content drop, and with it comes a new questline, some intriguing new enemies, and a shiny new mechanical companionFallout 4 GOTY, dlc NOT on DISC!
If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your deviceThe VaultTec Workshop DLC allows you to build and staff your own vault through Vault , as well as play new Quests, which can be found in the walkthrough below Your inhabitants can be trainedI was doing the USS constitutional when the dlc went live on ps4 I left in the middle of the mission to do the dlc but no caravan and no hostiles to beat Nothing else There is another DLC out tomorrow I wont be buying that or any of the others fallout 4 automatron Dlc wont work it says its installed in psn it gives me a
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Bethesda has been pumping out Fallout 4 DLC this year at a steady clip, and the latest release is the biggest yet The $25 Far Harbor DLC takes the player to a new location off the coast of MaineFallout 4's Automatron DLC added many new features revolving around robot crafting Players love being able to mix and match robot parts to create their favorite combination of the wastelands many mechanical enemies But which robot parts are the best in the robotthemed DLC?16年4月6日 (PS4 / PS4 / Xbox One / Xbox One / WIN / WIN) (16/4/12 1814) 「Fallout 4」初のDLC「Automatron(オートマトロン)」をもう導入しただろうか?

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